Thursday, April 16, 2015

Accessories for the saw bench

Hi again, it has been a short time.  Thanks to Lee Valley and prompt shipping I have another entry to make.  I think it was Tuesday evening I went online and ordered my hold fasts and here it is only Thursday and they arrived.

Two genuine, made in the USA, Gramercy hold fasts.  Now to make them work with the saw bench I broke out the brace and bit and did a boring job.

Before breaking through I clamped a piece of scrap 2x4 to the underside to prevent it from blowing out.  Then I checked it out.

Seems to work just fine! 

Another thing that I have seen on some saw benches was some sort of fence so that a bench hook is not needed.  I think that could come in handy, so I went to the cut off box and picked a suitable piece and cut it to length.  Then clamped it to the underside of the saw bench and marked the hole locations with the same bit.  Then I bored the holes and cut a couple of short lengths off a length of 3/4" dowel I have.

The bench hook in the picture is one I copied off an episode of The Woodwrights Shop.  Roy Underhill is amazing.  If you like wood working, you probably have heard of him. 

Next job was to take the short dowels and glue them into the new holes.

Then check for fit.  I didn't put it all the way in as the glue is still wet.

So there it is, the new saw bench complete with accessories.

In other news, I dropped in at the town office and the permit application has not been gone through yet.  The engineer who usually does it is off on a medical leave for a year.  He is a really nice guy who has helped me a few times with advice.  His replacement, I suspect, is filling in as his time allows, so he is very busy.  You have to consider the time of year and the amount of applications he has to wade through.  Probably in 2 different town offices now.  It is on his desk and I was told to check in Monday to see if everything is OK.  No real hurry other than my chomping at the bit to go.  I have to do some levelling and have to get a load of gravel in too, so there is a couple of weeks worth of work right there.  I have also decided to buy an air powered framing nailer this weekend.  Just an inexpensive one, but it will save my arm a lot of wear and tear. 

 So, until next time, thanks for dropping in!

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