Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Roubo bench build part 3

Facing the consequences of inexperience with working with slabs this big and a bit of carelessness I carry on and get the slabs ready to join them edge to edge. I decided by the end of it that since I have no real “plan” other than a picture in my head I will push on through and fix things a bit later. Long hot work but they finally get to the point where I can start joining the slabs in the next video.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Shop improvements done.

Let’s pick up on the shop improvements where we left off last time. I build a torsion top to replace the old table for the mitre saw. Then add an area to extend the work surface, which will be a convenient place to add drawers to in the future. Then I get everything back in place, with a few changes along the way.

Thanks for dropping by.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Shop improvement time.

I didn’t want to start on this job, but I wanted it done. The prep work and tearing apart the shop to do work on it is always a bit of a pain. Shops are never really “done” though, so continuing on with a slow but steady stream of upgrades I finally get that last 12′ of wall in the shop done. Now it is fully insulated and sheathed on the inside. Next will be putting it all back together. Someday I hope to get the proper electrical out there. Doing it in stages and slowly means it will all be surface run when I can afford it.

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