Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Sally's Coffee Table Pt 7

This is taking a lot of episodes to do.  It is complete and in use, so there is a happy ending eventually.  I guess I am getting a lot of mileage out of it while I take a break over the holidays.  A few more to go and there are a couple of guitar videos in the bag ready to be edited too.

So, here is part 7 of Sally's Coffee Table where we get the feet done up a bit.

Thanks for dropping by

Monday, December 19, 2016

Update on the shop and Merry Christmas.

I shot the last bit of video for this one today and put together the rest of the video I had for the work I have done on the shop this year.  Sally is baking cookies and I volunteered to be quality control by sneaking a few here and there.

Merry Christmas to everyone.  I love the sentiment associated with the season.  Peace on Earth, good will, tidings of joy and gladness.  I associate more with the Winter Solstice, the Longest Night, the Solar New Year, but we still have Christmas here.  All the best to you in 2017.

Thanks for dropping by.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Sally's Coffee Table Pt 6

In this one we get the stretchers done and joined to the legs.  The plan in my head is slowly coming together, but errors happen sometime.  There are more to come.  Nothing that can't be overcome though.  Still not accustomed to the new saws, I will be working on my form as I use them more.

Thanks for dropping by

Sunday, December 04, 2016

November, work done on the shop

Extra videos!  Yup, being cold and dreary outside, I stayed inside and edited video.

After the coffee table build I put some time into getting more work on the shop done.  I did not think I had enough footage but it turns out I have enough for 2, maybe more.  So, the shop gets some improving.

Thanks for dropping by

Saturday, December 03, 2016

2003 MIM Fender Stratocaster

Well, I am sitting at the new coffee table writing this.  There are still a lot of videos to make on the build of it, but I guess I would let you know it all works out in the end.  I am getting quite a backlog of videos now so I have to clean some of them up.  I thought it would be interesting to mix it up a bit and change topics instead of and endless stream of coffee table build videos.  Variety is the spice of life, is it not?

So, my friend got a great deal on this guitar and he wanted a few modifications done and to get it cleaned up and ready to play.  I was more than happy to do the work as it is such a nice guitar.  It had a few minor issues that I fixed up, so follow along as I get a guitar into tip top shape.

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